Episode 402

Behind The Scenes

w/Mike Hill

The purpose of CelesteTheTherapist is to help shift the way you think. Many times, we get stuck in a negative cycle and struggle with getting out. Celeste will interview guests from different backgrounds who empower people in different capacities.

Step into the behind the scenes of a TV host, multimedia personality and author. Mike Hall’s, new book ‘Open Mike’ is on air with Celeste The Therapist as a relatable conversation of vices, trauma and healing. In this episode, we are going to dwell on old scars and dormant struggles through knowing where it is coming from. 

This session let’s have a discussion on the stereotypes in mental health in the black community and the journey it takes to step out of the box. Stay tuned and follow to know more.

Learn about Mike Hill:

A man of many talents, in front and beyond the camera  and with the extraordinary gift of engaging people,  born James Michael Hill in Bronx, New York, Mike Hill is a  proven veteran in the world of broadcasting as an  Emmy award-winning sports journalist with more than  20 years of experience under his belt. Hill is a polished,  versatile, credible, talent that refers to himself as an  “infotainer,” an on-air personal-ity that delivers  important news with an effortless ability to cross over  from sports to pop culture. 

Hill has demonstrated his aptitude across a variety of  platforms and prior to his broadcast career, he was  enlisted in the Air Force from 1988-95 and also spent  time working for the government as an analyst  providing classified reports to the Na-tional Security  Agency, FBI and CIA. 

Instagram: @itsmikehill

Stay Connected

Is there a topic you’d like covered on the podcast? Submit it at www.celestethetherapist.com/stay-connected

Take the info you are learning to begin your healing journey check out my healing the inner child class https://www.celestethetherapist.com/shop/p/healingtheinnerchild

  • This class will

  • Help you recognizes past trauma 

  • Provide the necessary tools for moving forward

  • Help you understand where certain behavior patterns stem from while stepping  into your recovery process. 

Download your free webinar about how to be intentional about your vision



The importance of a vision

Creating a wellness plan

Being intentional about your plan

The hashtag for the podcast is #CelesteTheTherapist

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Twitter: @_ItsMeCeleste_

Instagram: @CelesteTheTherapist/

Facebook: @CelesteViciereLMHC

Youtube: @CelesteViciereLmhc

Tik Tock: /@celestethetherapist

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Are you struggling with your friend, family, partner, coworker etc? Do you want your relationship questions answered by Celeste The Therapist and co-host Jeff Grey? Submit anonymous questions and they will answer them live on the show. Submit anonymous questions about relationships here CelesteTheTherapist.com/podcast