Episode 446

Tackling Love Addiction and Withdrawal

w/ Shena Lashey

The purpose of CelesteTheTherapist is to help shift the way you think. Many times, we get stuck in a negative cycle and struggle with getting out. Celeste will interview guests from different backgrounds who empower people in different capacities.

In this insightful episode, our host delves into the complexities of relationships and love addiction with a very special guest, Sheena Tubbs. Sheena brings her expertise as a licensed professional counselor and trauma recovery coach from Houston, Texas, to the table. She shares her experience working with women who struggle with sex and love addiction, providing a deep understanding of the issues at hand. Through her work, Sheena has discovered that although some may view love addiction as a niche issue, it is widespread and impacts many lives. Throughout the episode, listeners are encouraged to embrace positivity and take control of their mental wellbeing, as Sheena imparts valuable truths and mind-shifting insights. Join us for a conversation that's not just about highlighting problems but also about exploring solutions and building a future filled with positive vibes.

About Shena":

“I’m a love addiction expert, attachment specialist, and trauma therapist with a desire to help women finally get out of these destructive cycles But more importantly, I’m a woman who has been on the same journey of repetitive impossible relationships and living in fantasy. After years of trying to figure it out myself and using methods that helped a little bit but never for long, I was FINALLY able to break free where I now have healthy, fulfilling relationships and a secure sense of who I am.”

Connect with Shena

website: https://www.blackgirlsheal.org/

Instagram/ Facebook @BlackGirlsHeal

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Take the info you are learning to begin your healing journey check out my healing the inner child class https://www.celestethetherapist.com/shop/p/healingtheinnerchild

  • This class will

  • Help you recognizes past trauma 

  • Provide the necessary tools for moving forward

  • Help you understand where certain behavior patterns stem from while stepping  into your recovery process. 

Download your free webinar about how to be intentional about your vision



The importance of a vision

Creating a wellness plan

Being intentional about your plan

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Are you struggling with your friend, family, partner, coworker etc? Do you want your relationship questions answered by Celeste The Therapist and co-host Jeff Grey? Submit anonymous questions and they will answer them live on the show. Submit anonymous questions about relationships here CelesteTheTherapist.com/podcast